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RAIId Review and bonuses

Raiid: CBA Software Automates ClickBank
Affiliate Commission System In Any Niche

Without Experience or Additional Costs


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What Is Raiid Affiliate System?

This is an honest review of Raiid Affiliate System. Raiid was created by well known marketers and software developers, Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and Nakul N.

Read my Raiid review and check out my Custom Bonuses before you spend your hard earned cash on the software.

In this review you will discover the good, bad and ugly of Raiid. And you’ll discover if the software will really help you to make regular Clickbank affiliate commissions on complete autopilot.

What is Raiid?

Raiid is a new and simple Clickbank affiliate automation system that is designed with newbies in mind.
The software and system enables anyone to instantly unlock the massive resurgence in the granddaddy of all affiliate platforms.
ClickBank… It never went away… But in 2020 it’s BOOMING!
Raiid combines 3 proven, tried and tested elements to make generating daily affiliate commission simple, viable and consistent for everyone.

As a user, you simply need to submit your affiliate link and keyword and Raiid does everything else for you.

The software builds fully hosted Clickbank affiliate hubs (which really are content websites) at the touch of a button…

This is for people looking to get started making money online :

  • with a tried and true method
  • the biggest affiliate marketplace in the world
  • a system that does it all for you, Fast.

Then Raiid is for you.

Can I Make Money Online With Raiid??

Yes, you can make money online with Raiid Affiliate System through affiliate sales of Clickbank products.

The software then drives traffic to your content with your affiliate links, that simple.

Of course, as with all automation software, some of the content that Raiid generates might not be absolutely perfect. On that basis, it would be naive to think you can expect the same conversion rates as if this was all being done manually by a fantastic persuasive writer…

But when we’re talking totally automated, Raiid does a really good job of knitting everything together and sending targeted visitors through your affiliate links…

And when that happens, you make sales.

How much money you make with Raidd will depend on how much you use it.

If you were to use Raiid once, create one CBA Hub in 1 niche with 1 piece of content, you are likely to make an affiliate sale here and there.

On the other hand, if you’re diving into several niches and instructing Raiid to create content regularly, you will make more money.

The truth is, you should use Raiid as much as you need to in order to reach your goals. If you’re looking to make a bit of extra cash with minimal work, give it 20 minutes per week to jump on and create more content for your CBA Hub.

If you want to make more sales, give it 20 minutes per day.

The software drastically reduces the amount of work required to succeed as an affiliate, so you don’t need to dedicate much time to it.

But the more time you do dedicate, the more money you will make.

How Does Raiid Work?

Raiid uses clever tech which reveals everything from nothing more than a keyword input.
Once those winning products are revealed, Raiid finds and matches the content with the product, and inserts your affiliate link before syndicating, bringing you traffic.
Activate In 3 Steps
1. Research: Instantly unlock the best selling CB products in any niche.
2. Create: Raiid finds & creates content posts to match chosen products. Each post embeds user affiliate links automatically.
3. Free Traffic… Syndicate each CB content post across multiple high traffic platforms (with built in links).
EVERGREEN… Raiid builds assets for passive results while it generates affiliate profits in the short term.

Do I Have To Create Content For Raiid??

With Raiid, you don’t need to do any content creation or traffic generation at all. This is really useful for newbies or those who don’t have much time to spend on marketing. Importantly, these are the 2 steps where those getting into affiliate marketing typically fail…

This means Raiid also increases your chance of succeeding as an affiliate marketer if you are just starting out.

The traffic module in particular is extremely powerful, syncing your content across high traffic social networks. Suffice to say, if you login to Raiid and set this in motion on a regular basis, you can’t fail to get targeted traffic through your affiliate links…

The Downside of Raiid

Raiid is a really solid affiliate marketing automation product, so it’s difficult to find anything that is particularly ‘bad’ about the software.

If I was being critical, the front end package only enables you to promote 10 products per month, so this can be a little restrictive if you want to dive into lots of niches to see which works best.

If you want to do more than that, you’ll have to upgrade.

In addition, if you think it’s going to be a 100% hands off, push button solution, that isn’t the case…

You will need to login into the software from time to time in order to generate more content and sync it across Raiid’s traffic sources.

So, if you’re hoping for something that you login to once and makes you hundreds of dollars per week for life, you’re probably going to be a bit disappointed.

That said, the “work” that is required to ‘refresh’ your affiliate hubs with Raiid is minimal.

If you’re too lazy to login and click a few buttons to generate new content from time to time, you’re probably not going to succeed with anything.

You have to take some action, this Will Save You A Lot of Time!

How Much Does Raiid Cost?

Front End  Features: (RAIID – CORE) – Price: $17

Research: Raiid includes the first to market research module for Clickbank.
Users can instantly research / find the best selling product in Clickbank using keywords with one click.
Filter products by various filters like their popularity, Earning %, avg sale, Gravity, Recurring etc without ever needing to log-into ClickBank.
Promote: Users can choose 2-3 products to promote at a time. Raiid automatically selects posts in the same category/sub category/Niche and displays.
Create: Users can select posts from the displayed posts/ plus they can add their own posts. 
Spin: Users can spin content automatically.
Built In Links: Users affiliate links are automatically embedded by the software as it creates content.
Syndicate: Users can then syndicate CB Promo Posts across 5 high traffic platforms for free traffic
Training: Video training included
FE monthly quota (no recurring fees)
  • 1 Sub domain
  • 1 Domain – Cname mapping
  • Promote 10 products per month
  • 5 platform syndication

OTO 1  – Raiid Heist – Price: $67

Same features as FE with the following additions
  • Same features as FE with the following additions
  • Unlimited use
  • 3 Sub domains
  • 3 Domain – Cname mapping
  • Promote UNLIMITED products per month
  • Syndicate across 12 high traffic platforms

OTO 2 – Raiid Smash & Grab – Price: $37

Same features as FE with the following additions
  • Automate: Users can set keywords enabling the Raiid system to check for related posts & content according to set schedule and then create with users embedded affiliate link and post.
  • 5 Sub domains
  • 5 Domain – Cname mapping

OTO3 – Raiid Smash & Grab (Pixel added to sales page – $97)

  • User Pixel is added to Swarm sales page enabling them to build a large targeted audience.

OTO4 – Raiid AGENCY (Reseller package –  $67)

  • Reseller package

OTO5 – Raiid – 1k Week V2 (Price: $127)

  • 1k Week V2 video tutorial with Done-for-you products. 6 Products
  • All the user needs to do is fill in the blanks, generate and give away high quality pre-configured products. Each product becomes unique to the user after filling in the blanks.
  • Users benefit from an inbuilt promotional structure.

Raiid Custom Bonuses

All bonuses will be found inside your Warrior Plus Purchase Page.

Clickbank Converters

Clickbank Converters High converting Clickbank offers in different niches. Plus More Offers that not only covert, but have Recurring payments!

Wp Affiliate Suite

WP Affiliate SuiteA total WordPress package! WordPress training to Build and Rank your website, Affiliate Marketing training, and a custom SEO optimized theme for your new website! Build a successful Affiliate Marketing business. Anyone can do this because all the tools are here.


eCompare – New & Unique Price Comparison App Allows You To Legally Hijack Commissions From The Top 7 Affiliate Networks In the World In Minutes.

Raiid Vendor Bonuses

VideoSumo – Breakthrough Software that makes both ranking and video creation ridiculously simple (and Fast).

Get Unlimited Traffic from YouTube and Google.

Vendor BonusesAll the Bonuses Venkata, Mark, and Nakul have given to me to give to you.

Raiid Affiliate System Final Thoughts

RAIID Affiliate System

Raiid Final Thoughts

Raiid is the best affiliate marketing automation tool that I’ve seen to date for Newbie Affiliate Marketers. 

If you’re looking for a fast track to affiliate marketing success, this is it. 

However, even experienced marketers who want a quick way to create another income stream will enjoy the ease and speed of Raiid with the largest digital marketplace on Earth, Clickbank.

Venkata, Mark, and Nakul have done a great job putting their ideas together and coming out with this gem.

Raiid is on a special introductory price right now, so I suggest you click the link below and read all of the features on the sales page.

It comes with a money back guarantee, so you can even take it for a test drive.

Click the Button Below To Get My Custom Bonuses + All The Vendor Bonuses!

All bonuses will be found inside your Warrior Plus Purchase Page.

Warrior plus bonus area